Tuesday, November 22, 2011

RIP, Anne McCaffrey

I can't believe it.  I gasped so loud when I first read the news that my dogs thought someone was breaking into the house.  I'm so sad!  My very favorite author, of my very favorite book series, has passed away.  Anne McCaffrey, whose Pern series first sparked my love of fantasy and dragons.  A fantasy powerhouse, the author of nearly 100 books over a staggering 50+ year-long career, Anne McCaffrey will be mourned for years, and the literary world is poorer for having lost her, but her legacy will live on for generations.

Goodbye, Anne, and thank you so much.  We'll miss you!

RIP, Dragonlady.

1 comment:

  1. I KNOW! The odd thing is, I just started re-reading the Dragonriders of Pern this week, then the news came that she had died.

    Her family's statement was touching and uplifting-did you read it? What a great legacy she left.


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